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A celestial letter to Mothers...

July 1, 2024

Dear Mothers,

Some of you may be seasoned mothers and others brand new... but I believe ALL of you may need to hear this.

We women are the life bringers.

Our sacred womb holds all humanity.

Our sacred heart holds the unconditional love needed for all Mother Earth's inhabitants.

Our beautiful minds and energetic bellies hold the intuition and wisdom to move humanity forward to the next level calling us. It is us, the mothers who intuitively know the next steps to take.

Do you think it is random that you were born female in this current life time? Dear Mothers, it is not random. In fact, it is a divine and celestial manifestation for YOU to be here NOW as female.

It is our calling.

Our calling to be the spiritual leaders for our family and our communities. You signed up for this many moons ago to be here in this lifetime as female. Why?

Because over many lifetimes, the women were the shamans of their community. Females today still hold the intuitive seeds of knowing planted deep within our collective consciousness. We provide the nurturing support humanity craves.

This energetic shift we are experiencing within this multiverse is palpable. You feel the magnetic pull towards a higher frequency. So, who can you show up to be in your circle?

This question is not meant to pressure you.

The time is NOW to rise into your true feminine divinity.

Our lives are not meant to be spent doing the masculine while trying to maintain the feminine. In fact its just the opposite.

We are created to BE the feminine, while supporting the need for the masculine.

I know, I know...

How can this be when so many mothers out there are struggling...

Some of us have given rise to the masculine within each of us, and allowed the feminine to sit quietly on the back burner; as she will because the feminine IS stillness. Its not because she shouldn't doing anything all, but rather she is passive because she is patient. There is a pause in her ascension, because she waits for you to awaken to your truths.

So Dear Mothers, do you see the Divinity within you?

Can you feel it?

Not all women all called to this service. But if you are reading this, you have been chosen.

Chosen, because in the fabric of our multidimensional reality, WE have the power and ability to traverse ourselves through our pain, allowing that pain to blossom into something we didn't know existed before; a new creation, and a creation of the new earth.

By definition, pain is an emotional experience.

Pain is birth. Birth is the process of creation and expansion.

We give birth to our thoughts, our dreams, our emotions, and yes to children.

There is nothing more painful, yet more exhilarating, than being the portal of which humanity and creation comes through. 

But please remember, birth in all its expressions, also means YOU birth a new you.

Who are you? That Dear Mothers is a BIG question.

Who have you come here to BE in this lifetime? Not what you do to pay your bills... but in HOW you show up in your purpose.

I promise you, you do know. Tear off the layers of social conditioning so you can remember.

YOU are special. You are chosen. You have the answers our world is searching for.

Crawl through the pain.

You are not alone. We are united in our femininity with the intuitive knowing that was planted within us long before this lifetime.

We agreed to come into this quantum realm right now.

Dear Mothers, stop the hustle, and move into the flow. Rise into who you are meant to BE. Remember your purpose, realize our interconnectedness.  You are the very definition of unity of life itself.

And please, let's share this wisdom with our daughters.