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Can there be White Female Shamans in American Culture? and are you one...

August 7, 2024


With the elevation of frequencies happening around the planet, people are experiencing all kinds of shifts within their being.

These shifts are awakening aspects of the Higher Self within each of us that are meant to align us, our purpose and our planet together to rise into the next dimension of existence for the human race.

I feel called to write this article because I believe its a part of my path to support those who are newly called to expand into healing work. I am so passionate about people waking up to their spiritual gifts, that I feel it imperative to share this.

First let's briefly discuss shamanism...

Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice on Earth...

*note* I did not say religious practice...

Shamanism has been traced back to the Paleolithic - Neolithic times (30,000-40,000 years ago).

A very interesting fact, is that before technology and the internet, and back when we lived fully as tribes on this planet, humans were practicing shamanism accross Mother Earth. How? How did a tribe on the eastern side of the globe, practice similarly to a tribe on the western side?

Universal Conscious Connection.

Basically, when consciousness became present in the minds of humans, so did shamanism.

  • Shamanism is an extremely deep concept of connection throughout all beings (whether perceived living and non-living).
  • Shamanism is the ability to experience and travel through different dimensions.
  • Shamanism is opening up to your spiritual gifts and guiding others to see that within themselves.

All things have a spirit, an energy about them. This varies from humans and animals, to rocks and water, and everything in between.   

To go deeper, this spirit-energy expands into different realities of all that is seen and unseen; from above and below, to past, present, and future.

When I say above and below, I do not mean a "heaven and hell".  

I did however used to believe that is what it meant....

Through my experience in working as a shamanic practitioner, I came to realize that above and below is more about dimensions. My personal experiences in this concept first came to me in my dreams. I have always been a vivid dreamer, literally all the way back to my childhood. I realized the power of the dream world at a very young age. I've experienced lucid dreaming many times, but about 7 years ago something felt different.

I noticed that I was experiencing the dreamstate as more of a visitation to other places. In short, I was experiencing my own parallel lives while dreaming. This realization set me up for what was coming.

When I began studying with a Shaman who lives in Hawaii back in 2018, the tools she taught me blended so well with my Reiki training I received in 2011-2012, (and why I teach both together).

Reiki is an intentional practice of tuning into our Divine Creator, and being a channel for that healing vibration to travel through to the client. Reiki practitioners are tuning into the 5th dimension where healing energy and God Source resides.

Shamanism is also an intentional practice of tuning into that 5th dimension, but also into the 4th, the 3rd, the 2nd and the 1st.

This is what "Above and Below" means to me... not because I read it somewhere, but because its what I have experienced. Shamanism is traveling between multidimensional realities.



Now let's get to the title of this article...

Can you be a white shaman? Can you be a female shaman?

Our 3rd dimension is concerned with cultural appropriation. I say "3rd dimension" because this is where separation and fear reside.

Cultural appropriation is considered a disrespectul act and is concerned with people adopting a minority's culture.

But what people must realize, is that shamanism practices are not just for one or a small few.

Recently I had a conversation with a friend who is an energy worker. She told me that as a white female, she is afraid to use the word Shaman. She feels it to be disrespectful to Native Americans. I too remember feeling that same feeling. But when I informed her that shamanism has its first origins in Siberia, her tone shifted.

The truth is, ALL OF US have ancestors that practiced shamanism.

Shamanism is the original spiritual practice of our planet. 


When I tune into the 4th dimension, I tune into my ancestors and my spiritual guides.

When I tune into the 5th dimension, I tune into God Source, pure love and light, and oneness.

Cultural appropriation concepts do not apply in these realms. There is no me versus them... no male versus female.

(For those who may be wondering, I do not call myself a Shaman, but do state that I am a Shamanic Pratitioner - that does feel better and less of a cultural issue).

When you study shamanism deeply, you learn that many cultures had female shamans. This has been left out to the commoner reading about shamans, because we have lived in a masculine driven world. Look at religions... religion is driven by the pretense of male leaders.

Once again, we have to look beyond what we are told.

If you understand the differences between masculine and feminine qualities, then you'll automatically understand that the feminine holds the intuitive nature. Feminine is the state of flow. All of us (both male and female) have masculine and feminine constitutions. We are both! Gender is unrelated here.

So, with this all said... 

Our planet and us humans are being called to elevate in dimensions, because 3D is no longer working. Greed, fear, ego and separateness have driven us down a path that is secured in pain instead of growth and evolution.

People of ALL cultures are remembering who their spirit is. Our ancestoral lineage is not limited to just this particular time, but instead is connected to ALL of time.

Your soul has lived many lifetimes (concurrently), and carries with it the memories of them all.

Our planet needs those who are awakening, to step into their soul's role to help lift others up.

Today, "shamans" are energy workers, psychics and mediums, herbalists, yogis, and many more titles for wholistic healers...

Shamans are medicine people...

People who have access and understanding to what mind, body and spirit medicine is!

Shamanism is evolving, and so too should our definition and understanding.

Don't hide your gifts and who you are in your soul. Our planet needs you now more than ever to help the evolution process so that we all may rise up beyond this reality!

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